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Color me happy! by Karen Little
Surround yourself with the colors that make you happy.

Shifting brain waves alter your outlook, by Karen Little
We shift through various brainwaves (also known as "frequencies" or "electrical impulses") throughout life. Learn what to expect.

Creating Questions that Lead to Breakthroughs, by Karen Little
This article teaches you how to discover what you don't know, but should, and the actions required to arrive at solutions.

Your Question Is the Answer, by Karen Little
The answers to all of our problems begin with good questions. Make sure your questions are distinct to get the best answers.

Pumping Oxygen with Arm Aerobics, by Karen Little
Something as simple as pumping oxygen into your body by moving your arms can greatly improve your quality of life.

"Yes, and . . ." a guide to upbeat relationships, by Karen Little
Learn how the phrases "Yes, and" and "Yes, but" impact your emotions and what to do about it.

Sound of Happiness! by Karen Little
Music science identifies the sounds of music that can inspire joy or depression.

Ecstasy: How to Keep Glowing by Karen Little
We measure happy experiences along the line a bell-shaped curve. To the right are the very best experiences, and to the left, the...

The Soft Touch, by Karen Little
Can you buy happiness? Why yes, you can when you have access to lots of very soft things. Cuddling up to soft stuff, whether human,...

I am here! by Karen Little
Covid greatly changed how many of us communicate. Compared to Zooming, mingling in person, no matter where, was relatively easy. Body...

Let me introduce me! by Karen Little
To feel more satisfied in your life, learn how to tell others about your own interests and experiences.

Does your body control your mind? by Karen Little
No matter how positive your self-talk might be, you need to be physically and mentally active in order to be happy.

I'm OK (but you might not confirm it) by Karen Little
Few people discuss what makes them happy, causing happiness to become elusive. This article discusses how to solve the problem.

Scratch Off the Blues! by Karen Little
Scratch off the blues! Rubbing your skin with a rough cloth, a brush, or your nails can actually lift your spirits!

Love Invisible Friends, by Karen Little
According to the Bible, in the beginning "there was the word." And why a "word?" It is through words and expression that things are...

"Why" be happy? by Karen Little
Of course you know that being happy is better than being sad. What you might not know is if you can't freely and easily ask questions,...

Happiness is a choice, by Karen Little
Perhaps you've heard of virtual reality, which, when you wear a special headset, makes you think you have been projected into a different...

Steal your happiness like an artist, by Karen Little
The book, "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon is the ultimate guide. To be happy and more skilled, observe happy and successful people!

Can happiness be found?
Happiness can be found, but only if you look for it. We generally find what we look for, and we reveal what we look for in our speech...

Speaking to the audience of you
Speaking to the Audience of You by Sketch-Views contains a guided aspirational recording designed to lift your feelings.
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