Read or listen to this article about how to learn new things quickly and happily:
To take the stress out of learning new things, whether in school, on the job, or just updating your interests, there are 4 things you can do to reduce the stress. These include eating to learn, cutting to the chase, using summaries, and fidgeting. Two of these things reduce your workload, and the remaining two improve your energy.
Note Taking: The more information you can capture that reduces the information you need to learn, the easier it will be to learn, even when you just glance at it. Yes, we've always been able to take notes by writing, but with today's tools commonly available to most of us, we can:
Take photos
Mark up those photos
Take screen captures of still information or video, and mark-up the captures with arrows, highlighting, and written notes
Take videos
Edit those videos, including adding photos to them
Document information through recording apps, many of which are available through other apps, including video
Translate recorded information into written words
Translate written words into audio recordings
Consult with others through streaming services like Skype, Zoom, and Facetime
Record the consultations!
Copy and paste written information
Embed the various things you record into documents, such as Google Word or other "word processing-type" apps.
Make use of powerful free services like Google Drive to store, as well as combine your notes, so you can access them wherever you have an Internet connection
Download your online notes to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can access them when you don't have a strong Internet connection or none at all.
By creating your own reference material, you pinpoint exactly what you need to learn, rather than have to slog through long tutorials, whether video or text.
Summaries: Whenever possible, seek and use summaries for whatever it is you need to learn, whether based on written articles, or tutorials driven by audio and video.
You probably know that you can speed up most video/audio to up to 2x (two times) their speed. But did you know that you can use the video/audio position slider to quickly move the presentation to exactly what you need and forget the rest?
Google searches now provide links to videos that go to specific points. These links also summarize how long it will take to view them. You can easily do this yourself by moving the position slider along the presentation and guessing where the subject you need starts. Consider copying the video from that point on, or at least making a list of key spots for later review. There are also summary services now available that are fueled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) which reduce "great works" down to key ideas. These summaries are especially useful before you read detailed information on a subject. By quickly identifying key points, you'll significantly reduce study tension by not struggling to remember information the first time you see it.
Eating: Eat lightly before and during your study period so digestion or indigestion doesn't disturb your brain. Avoid bread unless it is heavily seeded and any type of starchy foods. Make a meal focusing on easy to digest proteins, such as eggs, nuts (peanut or soy nuts are especially good), fish, and hard fruit like apples or citrus.
Fidgeting: Set some type of a timer, maybe a fitness device or a plain old watch to keep track of how long you stay still, then get up and fidget for at least five minutes every twenty minutes or so. Keep in mind that the more you sit, your blood oxygen level suffers and that level is exactly what you want to keep high in order to stay alert.
Fidgeting includes walking about, moving your arms, and simple exercises like squats and stretching. The point is that you need to get off your chair and move a bit in order to replenish your oxygen level so you stay alert while studying.
Thanks for considering the information I provided in this article. The links that follow point to resources that will help happily ignite your mind without subjecting it with overly tedious study.
If you like learning from pictures, check Pinterest for examples.
How To Use Your Phone Camera For Taking Notes While Reading, republished from Iris Reading on
Evernote, a notetaking app
The Best Note-Taking Apps For Writers: A Roundup by Bryan Collins
Review of video editing apps from's blog
Amazon's free text-to-voice apps
Review by on text-to-voice apps
Review of voice-to-text apps by
The Top 9 Brain Foods for Studying and Exams by Jillian Kubala, MS, RD. Medically reviewed by Grant Tinsley, PhD, Nutrition
Study-boosting benefits of exercise, an article published by London's Global University
Summarize articles through artificial intelligence, such as through WordTune, which is awesome, but Googling will reveal many more competitors
Listen to this article:
Written by Karen Little of Sketch-Views
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