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Learning a new skill can be thrilling and invigorating. Mastering it gives you a sense of accomplishment and that, in turn, triggers pride. It is also a wonderful way to meet new people!
If you've been stuck at home, that new skill of yours will help you get out and about. Whether in your community or online, you are bound to meet other people interested in the same things you are trying to learn. It's a great way to make new friends, expand your social circles, and enliven conversations.
Getting involved in a new skill also relieves stress. Concentrating on something you enjoy takes your mind off of everyday worries and fills time beyond spending hours surfing the web, watching streaming media, or playing games.
Best, learning a new skill improves our thinking and organizing abilities. It keeps our minds sharp and works to prevent age-related mental decline which, quite unfortunately, happens at any age when we get into ruts.
When seeking a new skill, consider something that stretches your imagination. Cooking skills, for example, encompasses a broad range of special detail. Consider trying your hand at:
Formal table setting
Pairing food and drink, including coffee, tea, soda, wine, etc.
Are you already interested in art? Sports? Dance? Music? Gymnastics? Every one of these have subcategories that can lead you to activities you didn't consider before you started looking.
The best approach to learning something new, of course, is to actually get started! Join, buy or rent what is needed, then DO IT!
The mind-body benefits of learning a new skill, published on Piedmont.org
Using Learned Optimism in Your Life, published on BeStrong.global
10 good reasons to keep learning! by Natalie Benfell on MindToolsBusiness.com
Why learning makes you more happy, healthy and wealthy, by Shivani Gopal on Medium.com
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Written by Karen Little of Sketch-Views

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